As I write this, you're on a plane heading my way! I've no advice for flying with a newborn, or any child for that matter. This will be the real test of that baby whisperer you are married to!
Last week we made a list of 50 activities we want to do this summer and we've already crossed 2 off (hike the Wind Cave and visit Hill Aerospace Museum). The husband gave me a hard time while we were making the list, but I think he'll be referring to it often this summer when it is his turn to come up with a plan for an outing or date night. He's itching to get them marked of asap. I used this template and shrunk it down to an 8.5x11" and it is hanging on our fridge for all to see.
Saturday we went on our first "real" family hike. Although I had never done it before, I convinced the husband we should all go to the Wind Cave. Our boys did really great and only had to be carried a little to rest weary legs. As we climbed higher up the side of the mountain I remembered why I had never joined the groups in college making the hike. It is stinking high up! As we got closer to the caves my fear of losing one of my boys (most likely the crazy 2 year old) over the edge of the cave set in and I begged to turn around before we were actually at the cave. Luckily, the husband would have non of it and we pushed on. The boys loved it! And that crazy 2 year old was content to sit and marvel and the awesomeness of the cave.
I picked up The Book Thief
See you soon!
I am always in need of a good book. Thanks for the suggestion. And the download. . I couldn't find it on there earlier today. Guess I was looking in the wrong place!