
Friday, August 9, 2013

Five Friday Finds :: Favorite Things for Flying with Kids

Deidra is on her way to meet up with the rest of the family today. While she's flown alone with her daughter several times, today marks the first time she's flown alone with both her littles. Send happy thoughts her way!

Here are five of her favorite things for flying with kids

1- Caliphone kid headphones
2- Since Delta is the only carrier offering direct flights from Deidra's airport, she loves the Delta app (if only it allowed access for a whole family's boarding passes!)
3- Maclaren double umbrella stroller for getting both kids through the airport but still collapsing down small
4- A cute spare outfit for everyone, just for the peace of mind (Mom, big sis, little bro)
5- Clif Kids Twisted Fruit gives little jaws a workout to keep those ears adjusted to pressure changes (doesn't hurt that Deidra loves to eat them, too!)

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