
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

CTR Tile Necklaces

I'm currently working with the 8-9 year old girls in our church. To celebrate their birthdays we made these tile CTR necklaces as gifts. They are simple, fairly inexpensive, and I think they turned out pretty cute. The girls are very excited to receive them!
To make I ordered the supplies from Earth and Moon Craft kits and followed this tutorial by Brooke. I designed the little CTR shields using digital scrapbook paper from Crystal Wilkerson.

You can download my 7/8" CTR shields to make your own! Simply print them off, cut, and glue to the back of the glass tiles! My supplies were left over from another project, but I just checked and you can order supplies for 100 necklaces for $75 (that's for everything including shipping!). Making each necklace only 75¢! If you don't need that many I suggest splitting an order with friends.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely darling project! I'm sure the girls will be thrilled to receive them.
