
Friday, September 16, 2011

Hey Deid,
Wish you were here! It's canning time and I'm without a canning buddy. I guess it is okay because my canning has taken a back seat to painting, so what you see is pretty much what I've bottled this year. But I know my window of opportunity is decreasing and I've got to get busy!

Speaking of canning, I've heard of some interesting things people do---using Kool-Aid to can imitation stuff. Like green tomatoes and raspberry Kool-Aid to make raspberry jam. And the other night I tasted "crushed pineapple" they bottled using zucchini and pineapple Kool-Aid. Heaven knows I have enough zucchini for that--but the husband isn't quite convinced it is a good idea. I haven't ever noticed pineapple Kool-Aid but the next time I'm at the store I'm going to look for it, and perhaps give this zucchini pineapple a try.

Do you have a good spaghetti sauce recipe?

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