
Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Anniversary!


Hope you two love birds have a great day! It doesn't seem like too long ago that I was the third wheel, hanging out with you two constantly. Thanks for including me in so many dinners, a spring break trip, random drives to Target, movie nights and more. I might have made more friends my freshman year if I hadn't had you two, but where's the fun in that?

I already feel like we've entered high pressure potty training to get Baby Girl to Grandma Camp in 2013-- and we haven't even graduated to size 2 diapers yet! I bet the kids all had so much fun. Think we could sweet talk Mom into doing a guest post on her great Grandma Camps? I'd have to say that having a good theme is what makes them so successful. And that Mom and Dad are crazy fun.

We had a great time picking blueberries earlier this week. Seven pounds in about a half hour. Those days spent in our parents' raspberry patch turned me into a pro berry picker.

Half the berries got made into syrup and blueberry butter yesterday. Yum! Why, in the midst of canning madness do I think, "I hate this!" Yet when the beautiful purple jars are cooling on the counter and the husband has stepped in and helped with dishes I am so satisfied? It happens every time, every year. Though I think it's worse without a partner in canning.

Enjoy your long weekend! Happy 4th!

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