
Friday, May 6, 2011

Five Favorites for Friday

Here are five random things that top my favorite list at the moment:
Albanese Gummi Bears- The best gummy bears you've ever tasted. Buying them in a five pound bag may be trouble, but it's trouble I'm willing to tango with! Their factory outlet is on our way to Chicago and definitely worth stopping in.

Lilly Pulitzer Wink Perfume- This is my requested Mother's Day present for my first Mother's Day. I think it would be the perfect bright scent for spring and summer!

Composting- I get ridiculously excited to save our kitchen scraps for our new compost bin instead of sending them down the garbage disposal. Hoping for some black gold soon!

Rosette Ribbons- Nikkala shared this printable at The Crafting Chicks last year and I've been a fan ever since. This month it's getting done up as pins for two little birthday boys turning one. I'll wrap up their presents in brown kraft paper and pin the rosettes on some ribbon. Wrapping paper and a cute badge for the birthday boys. Though if you don't have birthdays coming up, it looks like National Donut Day is coming up soon...

Halo Swaddle Sleepsack- It might be the ugliest sleeping contraption ever invented. So ugly I threw away a coupon that came in my registry bag from Target because I couldn't imagine buying one. And yet, it is true love. Thank you, hospital, for sending us home with one. My baby girl sleeps like a champ when she's all swaddled up. And it's so much easier than fumbling around with a blanket in the middle of the night. Despite its looks, I'm sold.

What are you loving this Friday? Share with us!

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