
Friday, April 1, 2011

General Conference Cinnamon Rolls

I'm excited for our  General Conference weekend, and not just because we get to watch church on the TV like my boys are (but that is nice too!). But because of the little traditions we have for conference weekend, like the traditional brunch with friends complete with conference cinnamon rolls. And while we're watching I hope to finish up a couple of projects. I seem to listen better if my hands are busy. There's a butterfly mobile for the new niece that I need to put together and in the mail before Deidra heads to the hospital. And I'm planning on making a ton of paper flowers for this wreath. She says you need like a million, so that should keep me busy! While I'm crafting I plan to keep the boys entertained with these conference packets.

While the cinnamon rolls are tradition, each of us sisters and our mom all use different recipes. Here's my favorite:

Sandy's Cinnamon Rolls
2 c. warm water
1/2 c. sugar
2 T. yeast
1/2 c. shortening
1 tsp. salt
5-6 c. flour

Add in order till dough pulls from the side of mixer. The dough will still be a little sticky. Put in a lightly greased bowl and over. Let rise until double. Roll out the dough and cover with butter, sugar, cinnamon (and I like to add a little brown sugar). Roll up and slice (I prefer the dental floss slicing method), place on pan and let rise until double. Back at 350 for 25-30 minutes. Frost while still warm.

Do you have conference weekend traditions?

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