
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby Picks

I'm getting to crunch time with this baby and have been on the receiving end of so many great gifts. Several of them I would have never thought of and I'm grateful for clever moms who pass along their wisdom.

Here are a few ideas for the next shower you get invited to.

A Magazine Subscription: I was gifted a subscription to the New Yorker, for something to do during all those feedings. I'm excited for a connection to the outside world and reading other than mommy magazines and books. I think weekly magazines probably work best here. If the mom is into celebrity gossip, maybe a People indulgence is right up her alley.

Baby Medicine Cabinet Supplies: Some recommended favorites are Butt Paste, Mylicon Gas Relief Drops, pain reliever and Baby Orajel. The new mom will bless your name in the middle of the night when she realizes how smart that gift was. And if she never has to use them, lucky her. She can consider them insurance.

Diapering Supplies: When it comes to diaper supplies, I don't think there is such thing as too much of a good thing. My friends have recommended Huggies Wipes, but if you have a favorite, go with those. When it comes to diapers, I've heard great things about Pampers Swaddlers. Never having diapered, I've heard it depends a lot on the kid, so perhaps gifting a smaller package can help mom on her quest to find the ones that best contain her bundle of joy's blow-outs.

Bath Supplies: I was gifted some California Baby Shampoo and Body Wash from one mom. She says it's one of her favorite indulgences. I think Boon bath toys, especially the Odd Ducks, are adorable. Throw in a sweet smelling lotion and you've got a great present.

Itty Bitty Clothes: Nikkala is particular to kimono style onesies, and sleepers with zippers instead of snaps (so much easier for groggy diaper changes). Both of us shy away from licensed characters on apparel and I don't care much for words on small children. Some moms really love those things. Picking clothes for babies might be easier than picking clothes for mom, but she still might have some strong preferences, so it might be best to feel those out. But when it comes to pint-sized clothing, it's all pretty hard to resist!

Handmade: Whether you've got skills or you just know the right etsy shop to frequent, handmade gifts are always a sweet touch. Crocheted hats, fancied burp cloths, knitted booties, a handmade blanket or quilt, embellished bibs, toys or teethers (I love the idea of a home state teether), hooded towels, custom crib sheets, or fancied up onesies. The options are nearly limitless! It's no wonder motherhood turns so many women into crafters!

Do you have a go-to shower gift or baby product you can't live without? Does the siren song of tiny clothes call out too strongly to resist? Please share your favorites with us!

1 comment:

  1. Those are really good ideas! I really love the magazine subscription as a gift idea.

    My go to gift is a 0-6 month pair of Robeez soft sole shoes. They are really the ONLY shoes my babies wear in the first 6 months of their lives. They don't fall off and are cute cute.
